Top Tips To Be Productive Working From Home

By Jonathan Matlock
Apr 16, 2020

Working from home sounds amazing until you have to transition quickly, with little time to prepare. And we know that some of you may be struggling to adjust to working from home during the COVID pandemic.

Here at Rocket Park, we are a completely remote working team so some of the work-from-home struggles are all too familiar to us.

So we thought we’d share some tips to help support you while working remotely during this time.

Dress for success

We know, it’s tempting to stay in your jammies all day, but this doesn’t work for most people. Especially those who aren’t used to working from home.

There is research, stats and even TEDx talks, that point to the importance of dressing for success.

Don’t worry though, you don’t have to dress up in full office attire. But put on something that makes you feel good. At least take a shower before lunch.

All of these things will signal to your brain that it’s time to get going and be productive.

Healthy boundaries

Establishing boundaries and ground rules for those who live with you (and boundaries for yourself too) is one of the best ways to stay on track working remotely.

It’s important to let the people you live with know that you need dedicated work time.

Clear communication is key here.

Moreover, if you have kids and a spouse that’s also working from home, it’s a great idea to take turns with the kids. That way, each of you gets dedicated work time.

If you don’t have a spouse or someone else in the house to help, but you have kids, try to create a schedule and stick to it. That way everyone’s on the same page.

Sidenote: Working from home and being with your kids can be a real joy, except when you’re on an important call and they are screaming in the background. That’s why our team at Rocket Park loves Krisp, the app that mutes background noises. It really works and is amazing. Take Krisp for a test.

Take breaks to avoid burnout

Do you take breaks at the office, even if it’s just to run to the kitchen or chat with a co-worker for a few minutes?

Sure you do, and even more important-- you should.

Taking breaks throughout the day is shown to help you stay focused and productive. So maybe try something where for every hour of dedicated work you do, take five or so minutes to do something else. Take a walk in the backyard, grab a snack, or try some quick stretching.

And make sure to take a lunch break too.

If it’s just you at home, stick to your dedicated working hours. And if you’re using a personal computer, make sure to exit out of anything that reminds you of work.

A designated work area

It’s also imperative to have a designated workspace in your home office. This not only helps your mind know it’s time to work, but also tells others that you are working when you are in this space.

It can be something as obvious as an office or it can be a corner of a room that you’ve made into a workspace. If you don’t have a dedicated room, try using a room divider. You can find them online or at most home furnishing stores. Or if you’re feeling crafty, you can make your own divider.

This also keeps you from taking work outside of your designated workspace, like to the couch or your bed, etc. This will help ensure that you’re not bringing work into spaces that are reserved for personal or family time.

The goal is to separate out work from your personal life as much as you can.

Do something daily that makes you happy

Most people don’t realize how much they need social interaction or how much they miss getting out of the house even if it’s just to drive to work or run errands.

Staying cooped up in the house with no outside interaction can cause some serious cabin fever and a reduction in motivation.

The most important thing is to notice it, know that it’s totally normal to feel a little off during this time, and then doing something that can help you feel better.

Read a book you love or learn something new. Go outside and sit in the sun for a bit. Bring back an old hobby. Play with Lego. Really anything that brings your proverbial groove back.

While here at Rocket Park, we always think self-care and healthy work-life is super important, but it’s even more important during these uncertain times.

Doing something at least once a day that makes you happy will help you stay sane and help you remain focused during your set working hours.